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Psychological Triggers

Psychological Triggers To Include In Your Q1 Marketing Strategy To Increase Your Revenue

Using psychological triggers in your marketing strategy can be a powerful way to increase sales and engage your audience as an online business owner or a service provider. With psychological research and behavioral science embedded into your marketing strategy, you’ll have a serious advantage over your competitors who are simply winging it, hoping their campaigns […]

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Marketing Psychology Tips

Let’s talk about Psychology and Marketing – as these two fields have always had a close relationship.  Underlying any marketing campaign is a psychological principle. Marketing is all about tapping into people’s emotions and desires in order to generate sales. It’s a complex and often subtle process that relies heavily on psychology. As humans, we […]

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How To Use Psychology Based Marketing Strategies To Drive Sales And Increase Conversion Rates

What is Marketing Psychology?  Through the combination of behavioral science, neuroscience, and psychology we’re able to create effective marketing messages. These three fields work together to influence a comprehensive strategy that attracts, convinces, and converts more customers. Once you understand how the human brain works, it is much easier to connect with your ideal customers […]

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psychological triggers marketing

How Psychology Plays a Significant Role in Marketing and How You Can Use It to Improve Your Results Psychology plays a central role in marketing. Too often we forget that the human brain has evolved and adapted over thousands of years. All of our thoughts and actions are rooted in survival.  When presented with any […]

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