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Online Marketing

Tripwires: How to get customers tripping and stumbling into your marketing funnel

Have you been struggling to convert your leads into loyal customers? As an online business owner, using a tripwire in your marketing funnel can be an effective strategy to drive conversions and generate additional revenue.  And yes, even those “tripwire” sounds like bro-marketing hootenanny, its effectiveness is unmatched. What is a marketing tripwire? A tripwire […]

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How to Integrate Digital Marketing Into Your Small Business

There’s no question that you should be integrating digital marketing into your small business marketing plan. Digital marketing will help your small business gain maximum exposure.  As you’ve probably already noticed, there aren’t many small businesses that are thriving without a strong online presence.  Digital Darwinism is a harsh reality, my friend. And if your […]

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Why Your Small Business Needs A Digital Marketing Plan

Now more than ever, you’re missing out on prime opportunities if your small business isn’t adapting to the digital landscape. Digital marketing is paramount to your success as a small business owner.  In this advanced digital age, it is vital for your business to have an online presence. Whether you choose to just have a […]

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How to Organize Your Content Calendar Using Trello

Do you use Trello to help streamline any aspect of your online business? My personal favorite board inside my Trello account is used to organize my editorial calendar.  My Editorial Calendar Trello Board is where I collect all of my content ideas, link my drafted blog posts, track which blog posts are scheduled, and monitor […]

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What's Content? The Lowdown On Creating High-Quality Content That Converts

The first blog I published on this site explained how to create a content calendar and silly me, I never defined what content is! This is the simplest way to put it… Content is everything, literally and figuratively.  Any blog post, sales page, social media caption, or piece of writing you create is considered content. […]

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