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Online Business Optimization

Streamline Your Marketing: How To Craft Time-Saving Templates in ClickUp

If you’re a service provider or small business owner, you know just how important it is to stay organized and plan ahead with your business. Especially when it comes to staying active with your marketing. One way to ensure you never drop the ball on your internal marketing efforts again is to start relying on […]

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Tripwires: How to get customers tripping and stumbling into your marketing funnel

Have you been struggling to convert your leads into loyal customers? As an online business owner, using a tripwire in your marketing funnel can be an effective strategy to drive conversions and generate additional revenue.  And yes, even those “tripwire” sounds like bro-marketing hootenanny, its effectiveness is unmatched. What is a marketing tripwire? A tripwire […]

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entrepreneur mental health

A 2021 study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that over 60% of Americans agree that work and money are significant causes of stress in their lives. As a small business owner, where work and money can sneakily become associated with your self-worth, mental health statistics become quite worse. According to an article in […]

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easy content creation tips

As Stress Awareness Month is coming to a close, I felt it was important to talk about how to handle the stress of constantly being able to create content. Setting realistic goals is the best way to manage the stress of constantly creating content. First, make sure you are focusing on small goals that you […]

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does your branding matter?

A brand experience is the culmination of your customer’s thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, as they relate to your business. It’s the ultimate combination of your business’ brand strategy, customer experience, and user experience. When a strong brand experience is implemented, you’re helping your small business stand out from the competition. This is increasingly important as […]

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black friday promo ideas

Collectively, last year, Black Friday promotion resulted in a record-breaking $9 BILLION in revenue from online sales. And according to data from Fohr, over 71% of consumers will be using Instagram to shop for their holiday gifts this year. What’s that mean for you?? It’s your turn to grab a piece of the Black Friday […]

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outsourcing marketing tasks

Congratulations, you started a new business! Take a load off my friend, because we both know you’ve just inherited one too many hats to wear.  Whether you’re trying to keep costs down or struggling to find employees to hire, you and I both know you’re working harder than you ever have before. This new business […]

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free digital apps for business owners

Honestly, is there anything better than being efficient? My motto for life and business has always been to work smarter, not harder. When I discover a new time-saving app, you can bet your bottom dollar I’m trying it out. Over the years I’ve found some gems (and quite a few clunkers) when it comes to […]

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productivity tips for business owners

Productivity, organization, and efficiency as a small business owner are as essential as having a consistent cash flow. Some might even say you can’t have one without the other, which is why I want to share these productivity tips for my fellow online small business owners. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me or maybe it’s […]

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gift ideas for business owners

The holiday season is back! While some of us get excited to find the perfect gift for our friends and family, some of us get super overwhelmed and feel like it’s just one more thing to add to the to-do list. This 2022 gift guide for entrepreneurs and small business owners will come in handy […]

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business owner mental health

What’s the worst feeling in the world as a business owner? Watching a business with years of blood, sweat and tears poured into, crumble to the ground because my mental health had fallen to the waste side.  My first business SPIES was my pride and joy. Having to shut it down, surrender the domain name […]

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helpful resources for online business owners

Ready for a peek behind the curtain to see exactly how this small business works? I’m spilling the tea on every resource, software, and tool that has helped me run my small business, manage my social media accounts, stay productive, and more. Keep reading for all the small business resources that will help make your […]

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Productivity Hacks How To Get More Done While Working From Home

How do you plan for the upcoming week as a solopreneur, side hustler, or small business owner?  Are you a paper planner type of person? Or do you live and breathe for your Google Calendar?  No matter where you keep track of your daily to-do list, appointments, or deadlines… seeing everything you have to do […]

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How to deal with seasonal depression as an entrepreneur

Are you a small business owner who struggles to motivate during the winter months? If you’re like me, winter is the hardest time to stay productive, focus, and make progress. I struggle with seasonal affective disorder, which basically means my depression increases and intensifies as the days get colder and darker.  If you struggle with […]

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small business quarantine

Despite the small period of freedom we all felt when restaurants started to reopen and stores began to open their doors, quarantine is still in effect across the country. What does this mean for your small business? The current times are very uncertain for small business owners and I have a feeling the second wave […]

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3 Mindset Blocks Holding You Back From Launching Your Online Business

There are only three reasons why you haven’t launched your online business yet, my friend. And before you tell me it’s because you don’t have the time or money to commit to doing what you love…it’s your mindset blocks. The truth is, resources are irrelevant. It’s your mindset that’s holding you back. If you haven’t launched […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Write in A Journal Daily

Writing daily in a journal can change your life. Honestly, the benefits of journaling are overwhelming. Now, I’m sure this isn’t the first time someone told you how important it is to keep a journal. Maybe you’re currently searching for something that will inspire you to finally pick up a pen at the end of […]

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What You Really Should Know About Using Templates For Your Designs

Using Canva templates and caption templates as a business owner is underrated. You’re living in a world where constant idea generation and endless content creation are expected from business owners. If you’re not a creative person by nature, creating content for your business may be the biggest thorn in your side right now. If that’s […]

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How To Move Past Self-Doubt in Your Life & Business

A majority of us are laying in bed scrolling through Instagram, checking up on what our friends and favorite celebrities are doing, and then… it hits us. The silent killer – comparison. This is the “I’m not doing enough” thought or the “I hate how imperfect my body is” thought. As business owners, we also […]

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3 Tips To Help You Get Your Business Off The Ground During Quarantine

How many times have you said, “I want to launch my business but I just don’t have the time” or “If only I had a few extra hours in my day to commit to my side hustle, I know that would help it take off”? Despite the chaos and uncertainty of the current pandemic we’re […]

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