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Small Business Digital Marketing Strategies

How to develop shareable content for your small business

If you’re anything like me, you lived for English and Social Studies back in high school and HATED when the bell rang for Math or Science. While math is still on my “to-be-avoided-at-all-costs” list, I’ve come to love data and analytics. Show me the numbers…but only if I don’t have to mentally calculate something. If […]

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free digital apps for business owners

Honestly, is there anything better than being efficient? My motto for life and business has always been to work smarter, not harder. When I discover a new time-saving app, you can bet your bottom dollar I’m trying it out. Over the years I’ve found some gems (and quite a few clunkers) when it comes to […]

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How To Define Your Small Business’s Ideal Customer (And Why It’s The Most Important Part of Your Marketing Plan)

When developing any product, service, or simply any piece of content for your small business, you need to keep your ideal customer avatar in mind. Have you taken the time to define your small business’s ideal customer?  When you’re trying to define your ideal customer avatar (ICA), you’re essentially trying to define the one person […]

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Social Media Marketing Benefits Small Business

Will social media marketing benefit your small business? The easiest way to answer this question is to look at the facts.  Nearly 50% of the world’s population uses social media. That’s equivalent to 3 billion users worldwide. Plus each person spends an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social networks daily.  When looking […]

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3 Content Marketing Tips To Improve Your Instagram Strategy

Every small business owner wants to create social media content that converts. There is no question that small business owners are latching onto the power of Instagram. The question is whether or not your small business has an Instagram strategy. Instagram provides everyone with a free platform that you can use to organically market your […]

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